5 breastfeeding positions you should try

Lucky for you and your baby, there are a number of different breastfeeding positions you can use to nurse your little one. You may discover a favorite position that works best, but you might also want to experiment with different positions as time goes on. As your baby grows, you might find that certain positions become more natural and comfortable. To get you started, here are five that we think you should know about!

1. The cradle

This is the most basic of breastfeeding positions, and probably one you’ve seen out in the wild! To achieve the cradle, sit with Baby across your body with your elbow supporting their shoulders and your hand supporting their back — essentially fitting them into the crook of your arm. For more direction, use your other hand to support your breast. Make sure to use lots of pillows, and keep your feet up to avoid leaning or slouching into your little one. 

2. The cross-cradle

This maneuver is best for babies who have difficulty latching on, because it allows you full control over your baby’s head movement. In this position, use the opposite arm of the breast you are using to feed to support Baby’s body — if you are feeding on your left breast, use your right arm for support and the right hand to support their head. The cross-cradle is ideal for early breastfeeding and smaller babies.

3. The clutch or football hold

To perform this expert hold and rival even the best of NFL quarterbacks, hold your baby at your side, using that arm for support to gently guide their head to your breast. Then, tuck Baby underneath your breast, facing up, and rest your arm on a pillow. The football hold is ideal for beginners, larger babies, twins, and folks who have had a C-section. 

4. The side-lying position

Ideal for those who just want to be comfortable, this position is essential to maste. Lie on either side with head supported, face your little one towards you, and help them get close. Baby gets to use their own instincts here, which can be a plus!  This is also a perfect position for nighttime feeds.

5. Laid back

Also called the biological nursing position, this is probably one you recognize from the early moments after giving birth. It lets Baby really tap into their feeding reflexes and explore. It can feel wiggly and wobbly, but it’s great for babies who still need to master a pain-free latch or parents who have a very strong letdown of milk.

Read more
  • “Slide show: Breast-feeding positions.” Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic, September 11 2015. Web.
  • “How do I position my baby to breastfeed?” La Leche League International. La Leche League International, November 16 2014. Web.
  • “Positions For Breastfeeding.” HealthyChildren. American Academy of Pediatrics, November 21 2015. Web.

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